Best of Both Worlds

by Bill in Business

Congratulations! You have an established business that you have spent years building and growing. Or, maybe you're just getting started.

If you haven't been paying attention, you may be missing out on an entire generation of new customers.

Young adults grew up sending text messages instead of making phone calls. The generation of people I'm talking about are in about to be in their late 20's and a prime consumer group. They will get on a call when it's necessary, but their default is to send a text message instead of dialing a number.

More than a few reputable studies have shown that simply responding to a text message is enough to grab customers from your competition.

Even using an automatic reply telling them to call you is better than no reply at all.

Right now your RocketVox virtual phone system is fully capable of sending and receiving text messages and pics with our Multimedia Messaging Service — and it's free.

It also includes things like Automatic Replies, full emoji support, and even Presets so your staff sends the message just like you want it.

We have customers that report showing a 25% or more increase in retail sales and services just by engaging potential new customers via text messaging.

Wow, that's significant! Paying attention now?

As a business, you should treat text messages just like phone calls or emails and we've built amazing easy to use tools for you to do just that.

Immediate responses are not necessary! You can acknowlege a potential customer with automatic replies and most of the time that's enough to keep them interested:

Thanks for contacting us 👊 We will get back to you asap 🚀 You will ❤️ our service

Think Emoji are silly? Your competition doesn't — Goofy Little Pictures

If you're already using RocketVox you have the best of both words available to you; award winning phone service and cutting edge business text messaging.

Don't let old habits send new customers to your competition, chances are some of them have already embraced text messaging for business.